Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

Health & Wellness

Hey everyone

again a wellnes advice from me :) it took a while i know but I really like this one esp. since it is still so cold.
We have march and it is still frezzing cold (beside one week) my advice for you is to wear layering or how i would call it onion look. Once it get warm you can peel of  one of your layer. I absolutly love this look. The only thing that i dont like at the look is, the skin gets dry cause it is hard to breath for the skin through all of the layers. 
If you like this look as much as I do and you wear it often there is an easy way to help your skin. 
When you get home, take a moisturizing bath. All you need is
  • 1/2 l Whole milk
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
Simply add these ingredients to your bathwater. 
When you are done with the bath rub down your skin and lotion it.  

Enjoy it and have a wonderful rest of the week 

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