Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

14 days or where is the time gone?!

I still remember like it was yesterday when I told my boss in february that I might have to quite to work with YWAM and now I already quite my job and I have 14 days left her in germany with my family and friends before I move to the UK for 5 month. It seems so surreal but in a good way.
Last Saturday was my unoffical going away party from work. It was a great celebration of 10 year IKEA and I had a amazing time with all my coworkers, this makes me miss them even more. Yesterday I went to work again and I got beautiful flowers from my boss.
The beautiful flowers I got. Love my work
I also started to sort out my clothing on which to take with an which not and I have to admit this is real hard if you have just 23kg of luggage with you.
As for now preparation are going well but I feel a bit unprepared and like i dont have enough time.
2 days ago I had my last practice with my girls and saying goodbye to them was as hard as saying goodbye to the people I worked everyday with. But I decided to not see it as a real goodbye, more like a see you again when I am back. Just thinking of to how many people I still have to say See you in august makes me sad. The more I talke to my coworkers the more I already miss them. But I know I see all of this people again in August / September.

Wish you all a wonderful friday

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