Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014

Job 37

As I sat down this morning to do my University study one of the excersices I have to do is sit down and meditade on Psaml 8. I love when i have to read and study the Bible for my University.
But while I was sitting down to start reading Psalm 8 I looked thourgh my Bible and i got stucked on Job. Better said on Job 37. I read it and it was like reading a love letter, something so beautiful that I never read before. Some verses especially spoke so much to me and I still can feel the Beauty in it and the Beauty and Love that is in Gods word for us.
I will share the full Job 37 with you and Highlight the verses that so stand out for me.

Job 37
New Living Translation (NLT)
 “My heart pounds as I think of this.
    It trembles within me.

Listen carefully to the thunder of God’s voice
    as it rolls from his mouth.
It rolls across the heavens,
    and his lightning flashes in every direction.
Then comes the roaring of the thunder—
    the tremendous voice of his majesty.
    He does not restrain it when he speaks.
God’s voice is glorious in the thunder.
    We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power.
“He directs the snow to fall on the earth
    and tells the rain to pour down.
Then everyone stops working
    so they can watch his power.

The wild animals take cover
    and stay inside their dens.
The stormy wind comes from its chamber,
    and the driving winds bring the cold.
10 God’s breath sends the ice,
    freezing wide expanses of water.
11 He loads the clouds with moisture,
    and they flash with his lightning.
12 The clouds churn about at his direction.
    They do whatever he commands throughout the earth.
13 He makes these things happen either to punish people
    or to show his unfailing love.
14 “Pay attention to this, Job.
    Stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God!15 Do you know how God controls the storm
    and causes the lightning to flash from his clouds?
16 Do you understand how he moves the clouds
    with wonderful perfection and skill?
17 When you are sweltering in your clothes
    and the south wind dies down and everything is still,
18 he makes the skies reflect the heat like a bronze mirror.
    Can you do that?
19 “So teach the rest of us what to say to God.
    We are too ignorant to make our own arguments.
20 Should God be notified that I want to speak?
    Can people even speak when they are confused?[a]
21 We cannot look at the sun,
    for it shines brightly in the sky
    when the wind clears away the clouds.
22 So also, golden splendor comes from the mountain of God.[b]
    He is clothed in dazzling splendor.
23 We cannot imagine the power of the Almighty;
    but even though he is just and righteous,
    he does not destroy us.
24 No wonder people everywhere fear him.
    All who are wise show him reverence.”
So I highlighted and underlined what stood out for me. I love how it uses the nature around us to describe God and to give us a glimps of his power and love.
Take time meditate on his word and he will reveal himself to you.
Reading this I fall more in love with God!!
Have  a wonderful week everyone

Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013


Hey everyone,
the reason for this post is real easy and simple Christmas is about to come and i realized that i lost myself in the crazy time before Christmas and totally forgot about the true meaning of Christmas and what it is about.

The first Question I wanna ask you and me:
What is Advent?
This definition google gives us:
  • Advent:
    • Noun:
      • The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event
      • The first season of the church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays
    • Synoyms: coming - arrival - appearance
Advent it the time before Christmas, the time, that leads to the arrivel of a notable person, to the birth of Jesus. It is the time before our Saviour is born.
For a lot of people Advent is a time of stress. A lot of Christmas parties are in that time e.g. one week from our working place, the next time from our sports club and so on. The Advent time seem to fly by, and we search for the perfect gift for our loveones and get stressed if Christmas is around the corner and we dont have a present for them. Every year the same thing. Parents ask they're kids what they wish for and the list is long.
I myself was stressed in this Advent time and totally forgot what it is about.
The Advent time should prepare us for the big upcomeing event, the birth of Jesus Christ. But we get so busy that we often forget about that, commercials are made about the perfect gift but dont we already get the perfect gift at Christmas? more to that question later.
Advent should prepare us so why dont we use that time to prepare ourselfs for the upcomeing arrival?
I wanted to read each week one gospel, and i have to say that i failed. I am not happy about that and i restarted. I wanted to prepare myself by readying again the events that led to the birth of Christ.
I complety forgot what Advent is about or should be about, it should be a time where we prepare ourself and the people around us for the upcomeing event, for the birth of God's son. And we should try to not just receive but also be able to give, to give to those who have less.

This kind of leads to my next question
 What is Christmas?
If we ask this question we will hear different answers. This definition we will get when searsching in google for christmas definition:
  • Christmas; 
    • Noun: The annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25.
    • Exclamation: Expressing suprise, dismay or despair. 
Christmas is the day or better said the days when we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus. When he the son of God became Human to live a life that will be an example for us. A life we should follow after. A life full of struggle for one purpose, to bring us back in relationship with God the Father. Christmas already has its meaning in the word, it is about Christ, God's son. CHRISTtmas without Christ wouldnt be the same. It is the celebration of love, joy and peace. Love for the Love the Lord has for us and we have for oneanother. Joy about the birth of the saviour. Peace that we have through Christ with God. It is a celebration of family, for we became part of God's family through the birth of Christ Jesus.

There are some cute videos of Christmas out there that i wanna share with you

Have a wonderful and joyful Christmas season, remember what it is all about and be a blessing to the people around you.
Lots of love

Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013

Look in the inside

Tuesday night  in the small group / bible study of the church I go to, we heard about Jonah and how God used him even tho he didn't want to be used and how God just uses every situation for his Golry.

Something that made me even think more about things was someone sharing that if he looks around his uni mates they look fine and living a happy life just as if they even don't need God.

The more I think over this word from tuesday night the more it kind of reminds me of myself. We might look as we have it all together and we are happy but the truth is, these people are feeling an emptiness and maybe they're life isn't as it looks on the outside, they can be broken inside. 

I was there, I was this person. I was in university, everything looked good on the outside, everyone thought I was good in uni and that I would like it. At that point I've already changed university once, moved backed home and quit university once. I showed everyone that i am alright and that my life is happy, even tho I was already broken once.  Durning the following semester my life changed and I've been broken more. No one saw it not the outside I went out with fellow students and just lived my life, showing I would be happy.

I had a boyfriend at that time that I loved and just been happy with on the outside. On the inside our relationship was a struggle for the beginning, we had to met in secret and fought a lot. At the end I pulled the emergency brake and end that relationship that already lay in shards. I was broken on the inside again. I pretended everything is alright and that I was fine, no one of my friends saw a thing. 

One of my former classmates questioned my lifestyle, and I started to open up a bit. After a while I told her all about my brokenness and she shared about Jesus and prayed for me that night my emptiness came to an end. I started searching, and somehow started to find an answer for my inner search / emptiness. I didn't accepted Jesus in my life that night but soon after, my hunger to know more about him started in that night. My former classmate saw in my inside not my outside where I pretended to be happy and everything is alright.
I am thankful that God showed my best friend my inside and that she acted on what God told her. 

To come back to the beginning I just wanna tell you, be encourage and take a step if God tells you to, take a step in faith.  People might seem happy and as if they don't need Jesus but the inside might look completely different, ask God to reveal himself to you and open your eyes for the people around you and they're inside.
I don't say with Jesus everything is easy and you will life a happy life, there will be even more struggle cause the enemy is attacking you. Your inner search and emptiness will come to an end with him and you don't need to face life alone cause Christ will always w be with you.

May prayers is for all who read this that God will open your eyes to see the unseen in a person. That God will speak to you about the people around you, and that he will fill you with courage to go and take that step in faith to ask people and bring Christ to them. Be open to be used by God to the people around you. I pray that he will use you in every way and that people around you will see Jesus in you. 

On the way I also wanna give you a bible verse that speaks to this situation

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1. Samuel 16:7 (NLV)

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend